Vince’s De-Skunking Story

Vince’s De-Skunking Story

This is Vince. So named after he sauntered into his forever home’s owner’s workplace with a big chunk of his ear missing. This adoption was meant to be. Vince is a lovely dog with a beautiful disposition and was easy to work with.
Hamilton’s De-Skunking Story

Hamilton’s De-Skunking Story

This is Hamilton. A full grown adult blue pitbull. Drop dead gorgeous!! He has  a lovely disposition and a perfect energy. I am honored to have been able to deskunk the skunk spray from his face and body. What a great pup.
Bachelor’s Story

Bachelor’s Story

Another first time breed for me. A Basset Spaniel. The origins of his name are murky to be sure. However, Bachelor, who was quite skittish when I started touching him up, ultimately relaxed and permitted me touch up his left ear, head and his left jowl. The skunk oil...
Beau’s Story

Beau’s Story

Weighing in at 125 pounds, I present Beau, a Husky. Magnificent beast. Perfect demeanor. Did not like his deskunking, but totally cooperated. Very gentle. However, when he shook, the amount of water he shed each time was amazing. He had almost no loose water on him...