Cassidy’s De-Skunking Story

Cassidy’s De-Skunking Story

This is Cassidy. Another breed first for me. Cassidy is a lovely Dalmatian who has had a really rough week. Surgery, badly skunked and a really upset tummy. She was quite easy to work with. She got through all of it and ended up in good shape. She sustained a Type 2.5...
Vince’s De-Skunking Story

Vince’s De-Skunking Story

This is Vince. So named after he sauntered into his forever home’s owner’s workplace with a big chunk of his ear missing. This adoption was meant to be. Vince is a lovely dog with a beautiful disposition and was easy to work with.
Hamilton’s De-Skunking Story

Hamilton’s De-Skunking Story

This is Hamilton. A full grown adult blue pitbull. Drop dead gorgeous!! He has  a lovely disposition and a perfect energy. I am honored to have been able to deskunk the skunk spray from his face and body. What a great pup.